Do you want to remodel your mobile home on a budget? The trick is to ensure proper balance in your remodeling project. You should be aware of where you should splurge and wherein you can save without compromising on the overall quality or aesthetics.

Before you invest in a mobile home, you are provided with the option of remodeling its specific features to enhance the overall look and functionalities. Remodeling your mobile home is not necessarily concerned with real estate. It also helps in improving the overall looks and functionalities of the home while making your life simple and more comfortable. You can achieve the desired look of your mobile home seamless with a remodeling project. However, you need in-depth planning and proper execution to expect the desired results.

Mobile Home Remodeling Ideas

Mobile homes are indeed affordable and built with top-quality materials. They also offer the same set of functions as that of the site-built home. If you wish your dream mobile home to look more like a conventional house, you can go through some of the best mobile home remodeling ideas. Some to consider are:


The roof pitch of your mobile home can be both a useful and aesthetic upgrade. When you have a higher roof pitch for your manufactured house, your mobile home will definitely appear like an on-site, traditional house. To top it all, it will also help in sliding off snow and rain quite easily. As per the industry experts, the roof pitch of your mobile home should be around 4/12 minimum to achieve a better look -both from the interiors and exteriors.


Unlike a traditional, on-site home, it is difficult to install all floor types for your mobile home. However, your mobile home should not necessarily possess a particular floor type to appear elegant. There are various floor types that are suitable for your manufactured home interiors. For instance, you can think of installing tiles or wooden flooring.

For the mobile home floors, you should focus on incorporating a dedicated floor covering as well. In case the home had some old carpeting, replace the same with a brand-new one.


Mobile homes are available with doors on both sides. If you wish to remodel its interiors, you are expected to replace the doors with large-sized doors with top-quality materials. When you replace old doors with new sizes and aesthetics, it can help in enhancing the overall experience of living in your new home. As per the mobile home experts, your doors should be around 80 inches in height and 36 inches in width.

Moreover, if you go ahead with installing a 6-panel, insulated exterior door, it will make it appear like a traditional house.


It might appear impossible to ensure a basement in a mobile home. However, with proper expertise and relevant investment, you can think of including a basement as the mobile home foundation. When you have a basement in your mobile house, it makes your living area more significant. You can also think of adding rooms in the basement.

Putting a basement as the foundation of the house makes it look and function like a traditional house. Moreover, it also offers the additional benefit of extra living space.


On-site homes usually feature eaves to ensure that water is away from windows and siding. They are typically 12-16 inches in width. On the other hand, mobile homes feature smaller eaves or gutters -usually around 6-5 inches in width. You can think of adding wider eaves along with a higher roof pitch to ensure that the exteriors of your mobile home appear like a traditional house.


Windows are crucial aspects that help in cooling and heating the entire interiors of mobile homes. The windows of the mobile homes are expected to be of the standard size. Windows improve insulation to ensure that there is not ample cooling or heating inside the mobile home.

In addition to this, they also impart the home an impressive look both from the inside and the outside. To improve the overall looks of the windows, you can think of integrating attractive curtains. You can select curtains that align with the overall style and the house paint.


Another impressive remodeling idea of your mobile home to make your home appear attractive is including a dedicated garage area. You can consider extending space on the home’s side to include a separate garage. The garage can be easily attached or detached from the mobile home.

Whatever technique you choose, it will offer your mobile home an appearance you want after the addition of a garage. This area will make the house appear larger. As your mobile home can be slightly smaller, you can utilize the garage space for storing more items.


You can create more space in your kitchen area. For your kitchen, get rid of any unnecessary item to create more space. To offer your kitchen a fresh appearance, you can also consider replacing the cabinets.


You can renovate your bathroom to make it appear more contemporary. You can come across negotiations for mirrors, tiles, wallpapers, and extra items to add to the bathroom space.

How to Make It In Budget?

  • Plan Your Budget: Budget planning is one of the most critical steps before finalizing the remodeling design. Decide on the particular amount you wish to dedicate on the mobile remodeling project. To ensure the same, you can hire a professional based on the amount you have.
  • Opt for Pre-owned Home: Remodeling materials for a brand-new mobile home can be expensive. If you wish to remodel your house on a tight budget, you should select inexpensive materials. One way to ensure getting access to inexpensive renovation items is by buying secondhand.
  • Choose a Particular Style and Stick to the Same: If you switch between multiple styles from time to time, it will lead to expensive remodeling. If you select a particular style, stick to the same to minimize the additional costs in the remodeling process.


Your mobile home can feature a unique style as well as aesthetics if you wish to remodel the same. The best aspect about mobile home remodeling is that you should work on remodeling ideas that will effectively suit your budget. To get the best deals on manufactured homes, Manufactured Housing Consultants can assist you with the best possible options for affordable manufactured homes. Moreover, if you do not wish to opt for remodeling the mobile house, you can choose affordable options like Repo Mobile Homes from Manufactured Housing Consultants. `